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Thursday, 5 September 2019

SharePoint Document Control to hone, fine tune and optimise your Organisation ...

It's fairly common that workers may only be operating at 40 - 50% efficiency - overall the whole organisation may only run at 70% efficiency no matter how hard you strive to increase the performance - can a more complete and effective utilisation of information be used to get these (seemingly) unattainable tweaks ??

It all starts with capturing everything in text files ... Word Documents and Power Point slides to make sure everything important is retained ... Controlled Documents or Document Control can then assist to make sense of all of this mass of information!

Or maybe you've already captured it but you need some extra assistance in making sense of it all!

If you're experiencing this in your Organisation talk to your local SharePoint Partner today!

1 comment:

  1. “Parul is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, ICF based in Nasik, India. Her holistic approach brings clarity, purpose, and hand-holding to her clients." Click to Check it : ”Leadership coach in Pune


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