After 5 days a game is declared a Draw ~ WRONG!
- This is No Result
- If you were to award 3 points for a WON game, and 1 point for a DRAWN game … in the case of No Result neither Team collects points
- The game is not drawn, its void!
Play until each side finish 2 complete innings
- Need to extend the time limit of the game until a Result is produced!
- Test Cricket ~ around 10 days with 1 or 2 reserve days
- The bowling side has to keep the overs coming – penalise bowling side for slow bowling perhaps by adding runs to batting side based on an adaption of Duckworth – Lewis
- Both sides must complete 2 innings – add up the runs, whoever has the highest number of runs - wins!
Allotment Types on Time Limits
- Or alternatively make it 500 overs each innings
- It could be:
- Time OR
- Number of overs
You will then need more Players:
- Add 3 players whom are not permitted to bat, but whom can field bowl and keep wicket that can come on and off as necessary to take fatigue of first 11
- Enlarge the whole squad to 22 players so there is a larger pool of players to choose from in a Series
In a Points Table
- Assign 3 points for a Won test
- In the future one would expect actual Drawn tests to be almost non-existent
- If a test is not completed assign No Points
- Cricket uses Net Run Rate quite extensively hence this should be used to rank teams if they are on equal points
- Need to be MUCH more flexible around rain
- In > 8 days there is close to 100% certainty some sessions will be lost due to rain
- Schedule Reserve Days
DRS & Technology
- The less RESPONSIBILITY to umpires on the field the better especially as matches are going to be for such a longer duration!
- Umpires should never be carrying any player equipment
- This should be reserved for other members of team
- 12th man shouldn’t bother with drinks, plenty of other things for them to do etc …
“Parul is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, ICF based in Nasik, India. Her holistic approach brings clarity, purpose, and hand-holding to her clients." Click to Check it : ”Leadership coach in Pune